In Hyderabad, a fruit seller was seen selling a single banana for Rs 100 to a foreigner. Read more to know the details of the ...
In many parts of India, bananas are often sold by the dozen and street vendors tend to offer fairly affordable prices. But ...
A viral Instagram video features a foreigner being charged ₹100 for a single banana in Hyderabad, amusing viewers with ...
A UK vlogger was shocked to learn the price of a single banana when he approached a street vendor in Hyderabad.
A street vendor in Hyderabad recently made headlines after charging a foreign tourist an astonishing ₹100 for a single banana ...
A shocking video has gone viral on social media, showing a fruit seller in Hyderabad asking a foreign tourist for Rs 100 for ...
Bananas are a sociable fruit. They thrive in bunches ... But what about the ones which get separated from the bunch? Cast aside as single entities, they become isolated and alone.
When you peel a banana, the fruit turns brown quickly – and that ... “We were really surprised to see how quickly adding a single banana decreased the level of flavanols in the smoothie ...
Bananas are a sociable fruit. They thrive in bunches ... But what about the ones which get separated from the bunch? Cast aside as single entities, they become isolated and alone.