The Armstrong Auditorium in Edmond is featuring a unique archaeological exhibit regarding life in ancient Israel. The ...
The Israel Police is deploying around 3,000 personnel, including Border Police officers, in Jerusalem for the first Friday of Ramadan.
True leadership is not just about wielding power but also understanding when the moment calls for a different kind of leader ...
The Romans destroyed the Temple, banished Jews and changed the names of places to erase history. It's a strategy still being emulated.
Yahrzeit of Avraham Ibn Ezra, biblical commentator, poet, mathematician, author, and philosopher. An unsuccessful businessman ...
They say, in regards to furniture, start small and replace things as you can afford it, which is exactly what I’m doing.
Beth Meyer Synagogue started with a handful of small merchants’ families operating out of a tailor’s house on Fayetteville ...
The local synagogues that had developed in the diaspora outside the Land of Israel became the ongoing universal centers of Jewish life. Unlike the words church or temple, which mean “House of God,” ...
Sir Isaac Newton’s calculation making a day equal to a year is novel, and certainly should not be accepted as Gospel truth.
All Jews should understand when Allah first ordered Prophet Mohammed and the Muslim Umma to offer the daily Salat prayers, they prayed facing Baitul-Maqdis in Jerusalem. This was the practice in ...
Stacey Solomon has landed back in the UK after a family ski trip, and while they made memories to last a lifetime, they resorted to packed lunches and shared accommodation in a bid to keep the ...
According to the Bible, David gathered building materials for a temple that was to replace Israel’s mobile house of worship, ...