"The Lion King 1 1/2" is an unconventional side-quel focusing on Timon and Pumbaa's story parallel to the original film. "Mufasa: The Lion King" is a prequel giving insight into Simba's father's ...
The follow-up movie to the 2019 live action remake of The Lion King has put in a solid performance at the box office so far.
There have been more films in The Lion King franchise than fans might realize, and all of them are well-worth checking out!
The movie premiered in the US on December 9, 2024, and worldwide it is going to hit the big screens tomorrow i.e. on December ...
Perhaps it wouldn’t warrant such constant comparison to the original if not for its exorbitant reliance on callbacks and ...
Mufasa: The Lion King has been ruling the Indian box office since its December 20 release, collecting more than Rs 100 crore.
The Lion King,” I eagerly watched every trailer posted on YouTube. I was excited to finally examine Disney's revelation of ...
Mufasa: The Lion King star Billy Eichner has an idea for his next Disney movie with Seth Rogen, and it’s not light-hearted.
Aaron Pierre’s performance as Mufasa perfectly portrays the vulnerability and essence of a young lion looking to find his place, which the audience didn’t see in the two previous films. Not to mention ...
Mufasa: The Lion King” is an odd movie. Realistic-looking lions, warthogs, meerkats and whatever break into song repeatedly.
The original Lion King, which is often lauded as an enduring Disney classic, actually trails the pack in terms of sheer numbers. On its opening weekend back in 1994, the animated favorite earned $ ...