Cold showers or ice baths have become a trendy way to recuperate after a heavy-duty workout, but do they actually help?
Researchers have examined the increasingly popular practice of cold-water immersion – things like taking a cold shower or ...
Maureen "Moe" Garrison has volunteered at the YMCA and taught her Rock N’ Roll With Moe class for 10 years. It is one of ...
St. Clair Shores is home to several private marinas, two city-owned marinas, and an extensive canal system. Here's more about ...
Srivastava maintained that you have to put your mind to whatever you decide to do, or else "you'll never do it." ...
Always striving to do your best? Here’s how you can show up for your pet and be the best dog owner, with advice from our vet ...
A proposal to build Winnipeg’s first new indoor pool in more than 40 years has been ranked as a key recreation priority but ...
Families were waiting at the airport to welcome home loved ones when their plane, just minutes from landing, collided midair ...
I have thought about reaching for an electrolyte drink many times, but I had absolutely no clue where to start picking the best one for me. In order to help, I asked an array of nutritionists, who ...
"Stretching can be helpful in preventing injuries, managing muscle soreness, and allowing for participation in a variety of ...
Water Exercise offers a stress-free time to swim, improve health and fitness by participating in an instructor-led water exercise class, and socialize with others, while enjoying the benefits of the ...
If you’re in a calorie deficit – either from dieting or while taking a weight loss drug – these exercises help direct your body to burn more fat instead and hang on to muscle. There’s also a ...