Smith launched his career as a rapper as the Fresh Prince. In 1988 — alongside DJ Jazzy Jeff — Smith won the first Grammy ever presented in the rap performance category for "Parents Just Don't ...
As a rapper, actor and producer, Will Smith is a genuine triple threat. From “Jazzy Jeff” to the “French Prince” to “Man in Black,” this Philly native has made a massive impact on ...
Will Smith is reflecting back on his Fresh Prince of Bel-Air days. “There’s been a couple of creative relationships I’ve had that have totally transformed my life,” Smith shared.
So Smith turned to his longtime collaborator DJ Jazzy Jeff. The two worked out a demo of their own theme, a rap telling the premise of the show, in Jeff's hotel room and then Smith took it to Jones.
During those same years, he started a popular music career with DJ Jazzy Jeff. The duo released five studio albums together. Smith extended his music run into a solo career, which included the U.S ...