Eighty-five years ago, Judy Garland, Margaret Hamilton, Billie Burke and their castmates brought the classic story to technicolor life MGM Studios/Archive Photos/Getty The Wizard of Oz has become ...
Wicked's characterization of Elphaba as a kindhearted activist stands in stark contrast to the evil witch seen in The Wizard of Oz. Glinda, meanwhile, can be vapid, selfish and downright mean at ...
"Optimistic Voices" is one of the shortest songs in The Wizard of Oz. The song begins after Glinda saves Dorothy and her companions from the sleep-inducing poppy fields. It reassures them that the ...
And we know that this is all a flashback. The movie begins just after the events of the original Wizard of Oz, when Glinda descends to Munchkinland in her floating bubble, like a princess coming ...
An audition will be held for the Missoula Children's Theatre production of THE WIZARD OF OZ on Monday, January 20 at The ...
It is also the moment it dawns on Glinda that Elphaba is good, deserves love, and is not as wicked as everyone makes her out to be. Originally, Elphaba is a huge proponent of The Wizard of Oz.
Frank Baum’s children’s book “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.” But beyond that, the details feel familiar, too: Shiz University resembles Hogwarts; Glinda’s posse acts like “Mean Girls ...
Like in "The Wizard of Oz," Glinda gives Dorothy Nessarose's shoes and instructs her to follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald City. Elphaba arrives after her sister's death to a trap ...
Chu asked his go-to cinematographer Alice Brooks what her goal was for “Wicked” while they were prepping in London, she replied: “To make the greatest love story ever told about these two friends, ...
Before they meet the Wizard of Oz (Jeff Goldblum ... and you are in Oz, it’s decorated that way, and the bubble comes down [with Glinda], and you absolutely buy in… but the perspective ...