One naturally occurring non-essential amino acid, critical in the production of neurotransmitters, may also help stabilize ...
Working memory is a form of memory that allows a person to temporarily hold a limited amount of information at the ready for immediate mental use. It is considered essential for learning ...
The human working memory (WM) is the cognitive system responsible for the temporary storage and processing of information ...
The Mediterranean diet is associated with improved memory and learning in young rats, a recent study shows, suggesting that ...
A new study shows that it could also help individuals with reduced working memory, as seen in mental health conditions like schizophrenia or depression. Remembering a code for long enough to type ...
If you’re working with high-resolution video like 4K or 8K, then there is one guarantee to your work: You’re going to produce ...
Working memory is one of the most important areas of our memory system and vital if we're to successfully navigate through our world. It can be thought of as the ability to hold and use a limited ...
Working memory is the ability to hold information in mind so that you can "work" with it - it is like your "mental scratchpad." You are using it when you read, have a conversation, do math in your ...
When we measure working memory, we measure the ability to keep information in mind in the face of distraction. We use this ability all of the time in every day life. For example, trying to remember a ...