which is essential to activities from reading or having a conversation to learning new concepts to making decisions between different options. What are some distinct features of working memory?
We place the electrodes over brain regions we think are involved in working memory or cognitive control and so by stimulating the brain as subjects are playing these games, we may increase the ...
She sells printable, homemade memory games for seniors and their caregivers. "Working in activities, there were times I ...
A recent study shows that regular marijuana use can negatively affect working memory, which could impact decision-making, ...
Serious video games may improve some symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), in combination with pharmacological treatment.
One of the largest studies to date found more frequent use of marijuana over time reduces the ability to remember key ...
“The end game is trying to relate [dopamine signaling] back to schizophrenia and other disorders with working memory impairment,” study coauthor Joshua Roffman of MGH and Harvard University told The ...