Investigators from the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department conducted a series of operations between Jan. 5 and Jan. 11 ...
We need to know why these two county supervisors are failing to perform their job duties and fill these board positions with the residents who will make sound decisions for the community they live ...
In a Facebook post on a community page, I saw someone who was apparently a member of the Vacaville Unified School District employee union SEIU asking the public to write letters to the school board in ...
On January 14, the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors approved $5 million to fund the construction of the Bob Jones Gap Closure Project.
Wearing matching bright red t-shirts that read “No Tysons Casino,” Fairfax County residents descended on Richmond on Monday to testify to the Virginia Senate Gaming Subcommittee, trying to defeat a ...
At a packed school board meeting Thursday evening, the superintendent of Isaac School District in Phoenix announced his intent to resign.
The new Clarke County Public Schools superintendent, Rick Bolling, formally introduced himself to the Clarke County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday.
It's unclear how the district in Phoenix will cover costs like payroll after Maricopa County Treasurer's Office declined to continue fronting money.
East Allen Township supervisors have 45 days to decide whether to grant a conditional use to a proposed 582,400-square-foot warehouse on Route 512.
The citizens' group proposing an overhaul of city government held a community meeting Wednesday night to answer questions about its plan.
Mohave County is pushing to take control of its medical examiner’s office, but officials warn it will be costly and complex.
The Johnson County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a resolution Thursday beginning a formal investigation into the feasibility of a joint law enforcement agency that would house the Johnson ...