Indian Railways, covering 67,000 km and serving 2.3 crore passengers daily, will be a key focus in the 2025-26 Union Budget.
Ever since the idea was first developed in the early 2000s, ultra-high voltage (UHV) electricity transmission has really ...
For Sindh’s rural population, the M6 represents more than economic opportunity. It promises better access to healthcare, education and markets — basic services that much of Pakistan’s rural population ...
Before turning to innovative mechanisms to close the over US$700 billion gap in nature funding per year, firms and banks must ...
Projections by Navy leaders that the U.S. could be at war with the Chinese by 2027 is driving the sea service to revamp how ...
From the start of her confirmation hearing, Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) pledged to deliver a message to the rest of the ...
Trump planned to continue to build on his barrage of Inauguration Day announcements, with the White House promising a ...
U.S. President Donald Trump has apparently confused Spain for a member of the BRICS bloc of developing economies, causing some head-scratching and jitters over possible ...
I’m Tom Friedman, Foreign Affairs columnist for The New York Times.
The two sides held discussions in Kunming, a city in southwest China, where they expressed gratitude to Beijing for its ...
President Trump’s formal inauguration speech laid out his vision for America, promising an ambitious agenda and a flurry of ...
Looking ahead, China plans a stronger macroeconomic policy push for 2025. Authorities have pledged to adopt a more proactive ...