The device has launched with new Snapdragon Gen chipset which promises multiple Android OS updates. It features an LCD display and offers a slew of AI features too. It is also the first mid-range ...
Apple plans to introduce its next-generation iPad Air ... the upcoming iPad Air models will include both the familiar 11-inch and 13-inch screen sizes, powered by the M3 chipset.
Apple is sticking to the winning formula of LCD with 2,266 x 1,488 pixels resolution and 326 pixels per inch density. The iPad mini also ... perfect balance between screen size and portability.
iPhone: Most of the readers currently reading this article now, must have used an iPhone at any point of their lives. However, have you all thought what is the meaning of the i in the iPhone?
So, seeing this iPad 10th Gen get a sneaky price drop out of the blue is a welcome surprise, and it continues to be one of the best tablets to grab. Right now, the iPad 10th Gen (64GB) is $50 off ...
The Xiaomi Pad 7 is the iPad killer you've been waiting for. It's the best value for money Xiaomi device in recent memory.
But gone are the days of the iconic Touch ID home button on the iPhone and iPad. In fact, once the next-generation iPhone SE launches in the coming months, we’re not likely to ever see it again.
Such is the case for the Apple iPad 10th Generation, which went as low as ... It is built nicely, has a gorgeous screen, and performs surprisingly well. Go catch this deal while it’s available!
Amazon has an Apple iPad (10th Gen) on sale for as $280, down 20% from $350. We now live in a second screen society. We scroll through Twitter while catching up on episodes of 90 Day Fiancé.
In our iPad 10.2-inch review, we called it a solid tablet with a great screen, smooth performance ... is compatible with the iPad (7th and 8th generation) as well as the iPad Air (3rd generation).
The big upgrade on the Lenovo Legion Tab (2025) is the switch to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset ... Another upgrade is the screen – it’s still an 8.8” LCD with 2,560 x 1,600px resolution ...
8th Pay Commission Salary ... government and those who are paid salaries out of the consolidated fund of India, which is the account in which government collects its revenues.