The Apple TV+ series "Severance," which tells the story of Lumon Industries employees who voluntarily agreed to a procedure to separate their personalities between work and personal life, is back with ...
Ben Stiller's psychological workplace thriller premiered in February 2022 The new 10-part season is set to premiere in just a ...
In the highly competitive television industry, contending creators come up with all sorts of things to stand out.
There is a lot of TV on deck in the new year – including multiple medical dramas, a violent Netflix drama about Utah settlers in the 1850s, plus, cop shows, Westerns and documentaries.
Before Severance Season 2 premieres, you should read the script for the original pilot – which sounds like a different TV show altogether.
The dystopian thriller Severance will soon be back again with season 2 receiving a perfect score on Rotten Tomatoes from ...
For Severance creator Dan Erickson, it literally took blood, sweat, and tears to get it made – emphasis on the blood.
As the Emmy-winning psychological drama series returns to Apple TV+, creator Dan Erickson reveals his thought process in continuing this layered storyline for the screen.
The gripping Apple TV+ drama is back for a new batch of episodes guaranteed to have viewers scratching their heads all over ...
Apple TV+'s highly anticipated series Severance is back with its Season 2 and according to Variety's early reviews, Season 2 is 'surreal, stylish and worth the wait.
People are excited for Severance Season 2, which is coming out on Apple TV+ on January 17, 2025! This show is a hit on the internet because it has a perfect score on Rotten Tomatoes, which is like get ...