A Ministerial Meeting on Sudan was convened by Germany, France, the United States and the European Union in New York during the United Nations General Assembly High ...
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A foreign state may require proof of authenticity for a German public document. International treaties between Germany and certain countries regulate this matter. Accordingly, different procedures ...
I. Legalization of foreign public documents Foreign public documents to which none of the exceptions mentioned under II, III and IV apply, can be legalized for use in Germany. Legalization is ...
The Permanent Delegation represents the interests of the Federal Republic of Germany vis-a-vis the UNESCO Secretariat and other Member States. Find out more on the official website.
As leading export nations in Europe, Germany and Italy promote environmentally sound innovations in the creative sector. In the Italian and German economy and society, culture and creativity are ...
Während der hochrangigen Versammlungswoche der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen in New York wurde von Deutschland, Frankreich, den Vereinigten Staaten und der Europäischen Union ...
Since the seizure of power by the Taliban de facto authorities, the women and girls of Afghanistan have been subjected to the most severe systematic human rights violations. Various decrees, ...
Ihr dürft nicht zur Schule gehen. Ihr dürft keinen Sport treiben. Ihr dürft nicht reisen. Ihr dürft nicht arbeiten. Nicht den Bus nehmen. Nicht mit einem Mann oder Jungen sprechen. Nicht ...
You are not allowed to go to high school. You are not allowed to do sports. You are not allowed to travel. You are not allowed to work. To take the bus. To speak to a man or boy. To see a ...
Die weltweite Gefahr terroristischer Anschläge und Entführungen besteht fort. Insbesondere die Terrororganisationen „Al Qaida“ und „Islamischer Staat“ (IS) drohen mit Anschlägen gegen ...