This is a recurring event. Check the daily calendar for more schedule information.
An interactive storytime about how humans are connected to each other and the natural world. Daily, 10:15 a.m.
At 25 feet deep, the Philippine Coral Reef tank is one of the deepest and largest indoor display of living coral in the world. Under the surface, hundreds of fish mingle with eels, anemones, starfish, ...
For the first time in its history, the Academy participated in the United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP) biodiversity summit, held last month in Cali, Colombia. After a historic summit two ...
Ahh, annual report season, the most wonderful time of the year. Especially because the Academy’s annual report isn’t like other reports. It’s a cool report. How cool? 150+ newly described species cool ...
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Don’t tell Claude, but he’s not the only long-bodied, sharp-toothed, extremely chill species in the aquarium.
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Students will explore tectonic plate boundaries and different types of seismic waves generated by earthquakes.
While there are many hundreds of species of hawkmoths found throughout the tropics, Darwin’s hawkmoth, with its 9- to 14-inch-long coiled proboscis, is found only in Madagascar. Xanthopan morgani ...
The Atlas moth lives in Asia, from India to the Philippines and south to Indonesia. It belongs to the family Saturniidae, or giant silkworm moths, which has a worldwide distribution. The Atlas moth is ...
H. sagamius lives in the Pacific Ocean at depths of 2,000 to 3,300 feet, where sunlight doesn't penetrate. Food is scarce in the deep, and chance encounters in total darkness are rare, so the ...