Specifications for the minimum information that should be collected about research data in order for it to be re-used.
The Access to Biological Collections Data (ABCD) Schema is an evolving comprehensive standard for the access to and exchange of data about specimens and observations ...
The objective of this report is to summarise the results of the mapping of existing Open Science (OS) professional networks and highlight gaps in the European landscape. Towards that objective, the ...
Practical guidance and examples to help you develop your Data Management Plan ...
Our Guides and Checklists are aimed at the those in research data management support roles.
Within FAIRsFAIR task 2.4, we carried out five semi-structured interviews with data service owners to understand how services currently support the FAIR principles, what are transferable insights and ...
This document presents the first of five sets of case studies that have been produced in the framework of the ‘Study on open access to publications and research data management and sharing within ERC ...
The DCC DIFFUSE Standards Frameworks were developed in partnership with a number of organisations with the aim of presenting searchable frameworks of standards relevant to digital curation and ...
Read more about Delivering Research Data Management Services MOOC: Week 4 Recap Comments ...
Join our user group and developer community, or engage with us in global fora to set the direction on DMPs ...
A set of metadata panels that can be added to Adobe Creative Suite 4 applications to allow AVM-compliant metadata to be entered directly into images.
A metadata standard drawing on Dublin Core and AgMES created specifically to enhance the description, exchange and subsequent retrieval of agricultural Document-Like Information Objects. A service to ...