The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (Africa Trade Policy Center - ATPC and the Subregional Office for Southern Africa- SROSA), under the auspices of the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and ...
This Meeting builds on the consultative virtual workshop to support the ALPC and NELGA’s fundraising mandate held on 23rd April 2024. As the GIZ’s funding for NELGA’s activities concludes, it is ...
The Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa (NELGA) aims to provide a platform for discussion and exchange for land management and geospatial science experts in Africa. The forum is ...
I am honored to address you on behalf of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. We are meeting when the foundation of humanity is being tested and Africa is bearing the brunt. Multiple ...
Your Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, Today, I address a pressing challenge: the urgent need to reform global governance to meet the financing needs of African nations as ... ...
This initiative is co-organized by a number of African Member States, the African Union, the Pan-African Youth Union, and the United Nations. It seeks to amplify Africa's Youth Voices in high-level ...
New York, 21 September 2024 (ECA) - The Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Claver Gatete, has emphasized the need for Africa’s youth to play a central role in shaping the ...
It gives me pleasure to address this event on the critical theme of “Transforming Africa with Youth-Driven Solutions”. It is also great that we can continue the conversation we started in April this ...
To contribute to and shape the outcome of this once-in-a-generation engagement, African Youth will host a side event at the United Nations Summit of the Future, scheduled to take place in New York ...
Africa is well represented at the 79 th United Nations General Assembly, and the ECA aims to focus on issues pertinent to the Continent’s priorities and centring young people in all conversations, ...
It is an honor to address this High-Level Dialogue on the establishment of the Africa Credit Rating Agency, a very topical conversation given the global challenges. The importance of credit ratings ...