Gaines County is a vast, flat expanse far in the west of Texas: more than 1,500 square miles of sparsely populated farmland.
Mercy Culture pastor Landon Schott, whose Mercy Culture Preparatory Academy has a measles vaccination rate of 14.29%, posted ...
As first measles death is confirmed in the U.S. since 2015, experts warn the current West Texas outbreak is likely to spread.
Measles had struck this West Texas town, sickening dozens of children, but at the Community Church of Seminole, more than 350 ...
Pediatricians and public health experts said they’ve seen a surge in requests for “bonus” doses of measles immunization ...
As a measles outbreak in West Texas continues to grow, the response from US Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F.
After voting to confirm Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as health secretary, Senator Bill Cassidy, a doctor and Republican of Louisiana ...
The COVID-19 vaccine has prompted more than 10 times as many reports of adverse symptoms than the measles vaccine.