Bible lessons for youth that explore what Scripture says about important teen topics. Individual lessons, multi-part series, and leader guides are available.
A great Bible learning tool. Home - Mini Bible Lessons A great Bible learning tool that offers concise, in-depth, and easy to understand Bible lessons that include doctrinal studies, character studies, and more.
A great Bible learning tool. Character Studies - Mini Bible Lessons Bible character studies that explore the lives of key people in the Old Testament and New Testament to discover principles we can apply to our lives today.
A great Bible learning tool. Doctrine - Mini Bible Lessons Bible lessons that cover the main categories of Christian doctrine, including God, mankind, sin, salvation, the church, the end times, and more.
The truth God has revealed to us should stir within us a passion to worship and obey Him for who He is and what He has done. As you study these lessons, always ask yourself what God is teaching you personally. Consider the practical application of these lessons by which you can grow into who God desires you to be (Col. 1:9-10).
What does the Bible say? Note what the Bible says concerning our existence: Gen. 1:26-27 – We are a creation of God, made in His image. Ps. 139:13-16 – We were each formed by God, being made just as He wants us. We were all fearfully and wonderfully made. Note what the Bible says about God’s view of us?
What does the Bible say? Note what these verses say about the importance of integrity: Prov. 5:21 – God sees all we do, even things done in secret. Prov. 21:3 – Doing right pleases God more than sacrifices. Luke 16:10 – Integrity in small things = integrity in big things. Note what these verses say about the benefits of integrity:
which God would desire us to have. In our study today, let’s see what Scriptures says about the call to be different. What does the Bible say? Look at Numbers 14 (Israel approaching the Promised Land): How did Joshua and Caleb’s perspective of their situation cause them to stand out (vv. 1-9)? Joshua and Caleb trusted
What does the Bible say? Note what these verses teach concerning the purpose of friendships: Prov. 27:5-6 – Confronting sin and keeping each other in line. Prov. 27:9 – Giving advice and helpful counsel when needed. Prov. 27:17 – Building each other up/improving each other. Eccl. 4:9-12 – Encouraging and strengthening each other.
Mar 8, 2019 · A great Bible learning tool. Leader's Guide: Call to be Different - Mini Bible Lessons Lesson Objective: Students will consider the calling God has given them to be different from the world and embrace a desire and boldness to be the kind of person God wants them to be.