Democratic Party of Virginia
Democratic Party of Virginia. If you have questions about voting, please call the Virginia Voter Hotline (844) 4VA-VOTE (844) 482-8683. Learn more about Voting Donate to the VADEMS
Your Party - Democratic Party of Virginia
We are united in our efforts to elect Democratic leaders of character, integrity, ability, vision, and commitment to delivering results for Virginians. Use the links above to learn more about the Democrats working to build a new Virginia economy and bring progress to the Commonwealth.
Our Democrats - Democratic Party of Virginia
Paid for by the Democratic Party of Virginia, www.vademocrats.org, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. ...
Contact Us - Democratic Party of Virginia
Democratic Party of Virginia 919 East Main Street Suite 2050 Richmond, VA 23219 Telephone: 804-644-1966 Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. Paid for by the Democratic Party of Virginia, www.vademocrats.org, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
Staff - Democratic Party of Virginia
As Quality Control Director for a political consulting firm, she worked on ballot initiatives, voter registration drives, and getting out the vote for Democrats across the country. After moving to Virginia in 2015, she managed a Virginia Senate campaign and went on to work as a legislative aide in both the Senate and the House of Delegates.
Localities - Democratic Party of Virginia
Paid for by the Democratic Party of Virginia, www.vademocrats.org, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. ...
News & Press Releases Archives - Democratic Party of Virginia
Jack Trammell Wins SD-10 Democratic Nomination in Special Election to Replace Republican State Senator John McGuire. Jack Trammell has secured the Democratic nomination in the special election for the State Senate District 10 seat ...
Chairwoman Susan Swecker - Democratic Party of Virginia
From there she quickly rose through the ranks to several state and national leadership roles, including Executive Director of the Democratic Party of Virginia, a member of the Democratic National Committee, and former Chairwoman of the Southern Caucus.
The Democratic Party of Virginia exists to facilitate and encourage the full participation of all Virginians in choosing their elected officials and controlling their political destiny. It is dedicated to the preservation of all the rights enumerated in Article One of the Constitution of Virginia. The Democratic Party of Virginia exercises full
2024 Delegate Selection - Democratic Party of Virginia
In addition, Democrats adopt our party platform and showcase to the world the strength and unity of our party. The Convention marks the official transition from primary to general election. Virginia will send 119 National Delegates and 8 Alternates to the Democratic National Convention.