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Thermo Scientific products help scientists around the world meet the challenges they face every day. From routine analysis to pioneering discoveries, our innovations help scientists solve complex analytical challenges, empowering them to conduct the work they need to do, the way they want to do it.
Thermo Fisher Scientific - US
Thermo Fisher Scientific enables our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. Delivering technology, pharmaceutical and biotechnology services.
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Mar 14, 2025 · Browse our complete online catalog of analytical instruments, laboratory equipment and supplies, and protein, cell and molecular biology reagents and assays.
Products | Fisher Scientific
Count on us for an unrivaled selection of lab, life sciences, safety, and facility management supplies—including chemicals, equipment, instruments, diagnostics, and much more—along with exceptional customer care from an industry-leading team that’s proud to …
Thermo Scientific Products | Fisher Scientific
Thermo Scientific products address a range of needs from sample, material characterization, and chemical analysis to clinical diagnoses and biological-based therapeutics manufacturing. Find Thermo Scientific research and production instruments, equipment, chemicals, consumables, and more to help you solve your analytical challenges every day.
Laboratory & Production Essentials | Fisher Scientific
Count on us for an unrivaled selection of lab, life sciences, safety, and facility management supplies—including chemicals, equipment, instruments, diagnostics, and much more—along with exceptional customer care from an industry-leading team that’s proud to …
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Here you will find current and historical information for many of the Thermo Fisher Scientific products that we support, including documentation, knowledge articles, software, training, and more. Be sure to watch the welcome video to learn more about the resources available to you.
Lab Products Catalog | Thermo Fisher Scientific - US
Select the best product to meet your application challenges using this comprehensive resource that includes a complete portfolio of industry-leading Thermo Scientific™ products and Thermo Scientific Molecular BioProducts™ offerings.
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Our global team delivers an unrivaled combination of innovative technologies, purchasing convenience and pharmaceutical services through our industry-leading brands, including Thermo Scientific, Applied Biosystems, Invitrogen, Fisher Scientific, Unity Lab …
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